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Eastern Europe photos

It’s better to see once than a hundred times hear or read. That is why we specially created the Eastern Europe image gallery, in which we publish photos of various regions. In Eastern Europe image gallery on we present images of cities, villages, festivals and sights, which are situated or can be found in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Middle Asian countries, NIS and the Baltic countries. Here you can find not only photos of the sights of a country, but also photos of its people, nature and life. At the moment the Eastern Europe image gallery is being filled, therefore not all participating countries of the project are represented here.

All photos published on are available for free usage. We would appreciate if you refer to the website while using photos from Eastern Europe image gallery.

The photo of Kiev

Kiev is the capital of Ukraine, one of the oldest Slavic cities and a famous tourist resort in Eastern Europe. Photos of Kiev can be seen in the...

The photo of Minsk

Minsk is a special city. Its main feature is considered to be cleanness. However, in the hospital, as a rule, it is also clean. Therefore, we are...
The photo of Prague

The photo of Prague

The photos of Prague are not rarities on the Internet. The capital of the Czech Republic, as one of the recognized centers of world tourism, does...

Travel Guide to Andalusia

Andalusia is a great place for beach leisure. There are no private beaches in Andalusia, so the entire coastline is at a tourists' disposal. Vacation rentals located directly on the coastline can be booked at

Travel Guide to Andalusia

Holidays in Liguria

What is Liguria? It is: 300 days of sunshine, light breeze from the mountains, huge sandy beaches, warm water, great selection of vacation rentals and hospitable people.

Holidays in Liguria

Travel Guide to Australia

Hotel standards in Australia and New Zealand are equal to international ones. So you will not have any problems with selecting the most suitable type of hotel for you.

Travel Guide to Australia


Holidays in the Czech Republic: glass festival in Hradec Kralove
For the sixth time Hradec Králové, which is located in Eastern Bohemia, invites connoisseurs of glassblowing and ceramics. Here on the beautiful Tyla waterfront will be held the traditional festival of glass and ceramics (Nabrezi keramiky a skla 2012).
WOODSTOCK rock festival will be held in Ukraine
One of largest European rock festivals, WOODSTOSK, for the first time will be held in Ukraine in the Vinnytsa region on the Kalinovsky airfield from 28 to 30 of August.
Holidays in Bulgaria: free excursions in Plovdiv
Free tours in Plovdiv will be organized in English, so for many Russian-speaking tourists this proposal is free of charge only at first glance. Because they will have to pay for the English courses in order to understand the guide.