The Golden Ring of Russia is a couple of ancient Russian cities, the development of which was due to the strong support of the Moscow principality. Today, they remind of an open-air museums. Suzdal and Vladimir, Kostroma and Uglich are still the centers of traditional Russian crafts. Numerous churches and monasteries of the Golden Ring towns serve as a good example of the roots of Orthodox Russia.
In the thirteenth century, Moscow became the center of the Golden Ring, having united small towns into the duchy of Moscow in the fight against the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Today, Golden Ring is a symbol of Russian history, one of the most outstanding monuments of the era of Ancient Rus. After expensive restorations towns and villages of the Golden Ring again showed the ancient Russian culture and pride of the Russian people. Many of the 140 churches and 50 monasteries of the Golden Ring still amaze visitors today.
Not correlating geographically, however, appropriate in this context, Novgorod is also included in the tour of the Golden Ring. This ancient trading town can be considered to be the cradle of Russian statehood. Here was the famous Novgorod popular assembly - the first truly popular rule in Russia.
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