Vampire’s skeleton, which was found near the Bulgarian resort of Sozopol and caused a sensation, will be exhibit at the National Museum of History in Sofia. According to museum director Bozidar Dimitrov, the skeleton will be available for public in the coming weekend.
Human skeleton, pierced by several spears, became one of the newest resort’s attractions. Since it was found early last week the Bulgarian media marked the growth of interest among foreign tourists to the place of excavations. But now excitement associated with the vampire skeleton has moved to the Black Sea coast from the capital.
From recent times everything connected with vampires is widespread in the world. Every year Hollywood produces several blockbusters, which main characters are vampires. World press regularly publishes news in one way or another connected with these fairy tale characters. Among the recent news are finding of pierced man at the plague grave in Venice and the auction of vampire hunter’s equipment in Britain on June 22.
As for the Bulgarian skeleton, it was founded in early summer during the excavation of an ancient burial site. According to the archaeologists, this finding can tell about pagan practices and rituals in medieval Bulgaria. Director of the National Historical Museum Bozidar Dimitrov believes that the skeleton could belong to one of the Black Sea pirates, who was executed in a special way by the locals suspecting him of witchcraft.
Deadly mix of legends about vampires and pirates promises Sozopol wide advertising and increased interest from travelers and teenagers. It is not excluded that in the near future other cities in Bulgaria can get the same vampire glory as Sozopol. According to the British newspaper, every year archaeologists find 100 vampire graves similar to Sozopol in different parts of the country.
Ilya Kalachev
Date: 14/06/2012
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